Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Meanwhile, on the Sci-Fi Channel

Tune in every week for the adventures of Rodney the Pantless Space Mountie! Thrill to his exploits as he fights against dastardly space communists in the surface of Mars and contracts other-worldly social diseases from five-nippled Venusian prostitues! In tonight's episode: A suggestive pun on the word 'Uranus'!


Anonymous said...

"Actually, my Mountie nemesis it's pronounced 'your inn-uss' with an emphasis on on the first syllable. I bellieve the new pronunciation was first mooted by Carl Sagan in an attempt to inject the correct amount of gravity into dinnertime conversations about the planet. Interestingly enough, when it was first discovered by English Astronomer Hally he wanted to call it 'George' after his erstwhile king."
"That's wonderful Carruthers, but why did you have to play with your nipple while you told me all that?"
"You mean my 'Pluto-pleasure-plums? I love to talk planets while I fiddle with myself."
"You stupid man, Carruthers, Pluto isn't a real planet."
"And Uranus?..."
"Just leave my rectum out of this, deviant..."

Anonymous said...

"Actually, my Mountie nemesis it's pronounced 'your inn-uss' with an emphasis on on the first syllable. I bellieve the new pronunciation was first mooted by Carl Sagan in an attempt to inject the correct amount of gravity into dinnertime conversations about the planet. Interestingly enough, when it was first discovered by English Astronomer Hally he wanted to call it 'George' after his erstwhile king."
"That's wonderful Carruthers, but why did you have to play with your nipple while you told me all that?"
"You mean my 'Pluto-pleasure-plums? I love to talk planets while I fiddle with myself."
"You stupid man, Carruthers, Pluto isn't a real planet."
"And Uranus?..."
"Just leave my rectum out of this, deviant..."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"OK Obi Wan bend over and pick up my hat!"

"You don't have to do this Anekin. Come back from the dark side."

"Doooo iiit!!"

Anonymous said...

Any more "hilarious" comments about the size of my pistol? Judging by the size of your holster, you're obviously overcompensating for something

vincenzo said...

"Ahh Haaa...I got you Comrade! Fortunate for me your an ignorant bastard and keep your gun holstered on the side of your half arm, which is why I was able to disarm you so quickly. My name is Dudley Do-Me Right of the Royal Mounted Police on Mars. From now on your name is Uranus as we are in the cosmos. Since I am a "mounted" police, it is required that you get on all four and I mount Uranus. Come on...after I am through riding Uranus, we will go get some Venusian Whores and shoot down that darned bird on the horizon. Is that a coonskin cap? I love running my fingers through coonskin!"

Anonymous said...

And I thought I was disturbed...

Hewligan said...


Anonymous said...

"That's it, roll on that deodourant real slow like."

"You bastard."

"I've had to travel in a cramped space-ship for 6 months with your personal hygiene problems and I'm having no more of it"

"Has anyone told you that you look gay in those clothes."

Anonymous said...

Personally, I thought that the third one leelee did was the best.....

Anonymous said...

"Uranus is a gas giant."

"That's why I've given up on trousers."

Anonymous said...

"Actually I think the correct adjective form is 'Venuvian', how come you cossack redshirts never've studied astronomy?"
"Haha... you said 'ass'!"

NEXT: Another terribly funny joke involving black holes... sensitive readers, you have been warned!!!