Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Back! In Glorious Technicolour!

Say how big it is! SAY HOW BIG IT IS!!

I'm going to two a week now -- Tuesdays and Thursdays. That should let me eke this site out a bit further beyond the point when creativity deserts me completely.


Anonymous said...

Look carol! im one of the lads now! check out my glorious schlong! By the way, those 2 toy soldiers are fags

Anonymous said...

Ok, Lizzy. Slowly pull your right arm away and see if any fall out. Remember, four is the record!"

Anonymous said...

Anne was a little disturbed by Tommy's behavior, quite disturbed by the two soldiers plotting against her, and freaked out by the way the roof was disappearing. Perhaps they shouldn't have eaten the cookies they'd found at the back of dad's cupboard.

Anonymous said...

"Trudy what ever you do don't panic, but there are "creatures" crawling out of your hat"

"JESUS BLOODY CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I said don't panic"

Anonymous said...

All I need do is pretend to be one of these precious toy soldiers. Tommy doesn't sodomize toy soldiers does he. No, he doesn't. I'm a toy soldier. I'm a toy soldier. I'm a toy soldier.

Anonymous said...

"oooohh the Grand Old Duke of York, he had ten-thousand men - and you're next, Marjorie."

Anonymous said...

"You girl have you trooped your colour yet?"

"No I'm not old enough, but my sister has."

Anonymous said...

margaret : u were bever satisfied with how that sex change went were u robert... i mean laura!

Anonymous said...

"I say, you chaps, looks like 'backs to the wall' isn't a very effective defence after all. I say we make a run for it. If we split up, she can't catch all of us!"

Anonymous said...

Err Mr Bush... Iraq is the other direction....

never mind...