Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Mother of the Year 2006

'Outta the way, grampa—I've gotta get this little shit to the Clinic while his organs still have maximum resale value!' The joke was on Linda, though - that baby' an alcoholic.


hillhunt said...

Ursula cursed the day her father turned Grand Theft Auto into a reality series.

Anonymous said...

this one actually made me gag on my rootbeer and laugh out loud!


Anonymous said...

KPH slides to a stop splitting his son-in-law's torso like an over ripe melon. "Cassie, don't jump! We can be a family again. What ever he told you was a lie!"

Cyclist At Large said...

He didn't know where his daughter picked up the unsavoury habit of eating small things that came off of childrens' heads, but he did know that he had to put a stop to it.

Webs said...

"Dear God, why won't you just let me kill myself?" cried Thompson "Babyface" McGaffigan, the suicidal midget. But he wasn't so depressed that he was going to surrender the chance to rub his crotch on the nice lady who thought she was rescuing him.

Anonymous said...

In the thrilling climax of the sequel to Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang, General Pound fails to kill the babe who would grow up to be the inventor that turns his car into a ludicrous flying boat thing.

Anonymous said...

Jacks TOMTOM had inadvertenly directed him through a daycare playpark

Anonymous said...

Major Smythe-Fortnum scores 2000 points plus bonus during "Deathrace 1952"