Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Why Pirates? They Just Arrrr...

'Well, they don’t call me ‘Long’ John because of my enormous penis! No. No, wait—that’s exactly why they call me ‘Long’ John. Shit. Ask me what my name is again.''But I didn’t ask you what your name was...'


Matthew R. X. Dentith said...

'And the name of our band, little lady, is "The Aristocrats."' -clik-

Maffu said...

"Aharrr Jim Lad", choked the Captain, "there's yer proof. Even little girly farts can smell like a month-old murder, and you owe me five doubloons!"

Anonymous said...

"Arrr, so, once it was pokin' out the other end of him, like this, then what did you ... ? I see ... mmm hmmm ... uh huh ... Oooooooh!!! Really??!?!?!"

Like all pirates, Cap'n Bill's band considered themselves fairly unshockable. However they were no match for little Elsie's searing tales of depravity.

Anonymous said...

First, you can't be real sailors. You have all your limbs. Second, if I stand in that barrel and bend over won't I get dizzy?

Anonymous said...

"Keyser Thoze knowth where I am right now. He'th got the front burner under your ath to let me go so he can thcoop me up ten minuteth later..."

"Sorry kid, this is The Good Ship Lollipop. You just gotta sing cute..."

"Ha! The greatetht trick the Devil ever pulled wath convinthing the world he didn't exitht!"

Anonymous said...

New improved, non-sibillant version:

"Keyther Thoze knowth where I am right now. He'th got the front burner under your ath to let me go tho he can thcoop me up ten minuteth later..."

"Sorry kid, this is The Good Ship Lollipop. You just gotta sing cute..."

"Ha! The greatetht trick the Devil ever pulled wath convinthing the world he didn't exitht!"

Anonymous said...

The pirates were so amused by her birdcalls that they only realised too late that she was in fact summoning her avian army!

Anonymous said...

Billy knew something was up, first they had him put the frock and wig on, now they were telling him to climb in the barrel. This is not how he imagined sailing the high seas pillaging merchant ships.

Anonymous said...

"But" said Millie, "why not on Wednesday?"

"Because" said Captain Jack, "It's your turn in the barrel!"

dialmformetcalfe said...

It was only when Milly the under-aged stripper jumped out of the barrel that she realised she had misheard when she agreed to do a private party.

dialmformetcalfe said...

It was a good thing Annie was blind and deaf, beacause she had just fallen out of the last barrel labelled "salted pork", and the question of to grill or to boil was creating heated discussion.

Unknown said...

"Guess what we're going to do to you !"